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Haas Vector Drive
Repairs & Exchanges


CNC Service Company offers professional Haas vector drive repairs and exchanges to suit our clients’ needs. With fast lead times and same-day shipping, our Haas spindle drive repair services ensure your production operations are up and running in no time. Whenever we get a Haas vector drive that needs repair, we do not just fix or replace the problem component. We will fully rebuild, recondition, and clean each product to ensure it is completely ready for operation. If the part number you require is not in our database, please contact us. We will gladly research the availability of the products and suggest alternative ways to provide you with a Haas vector drive replacement for repair.


Model: 93-32-5559D

HAAS 20HP Vector Drive
$1700 - Exchange

$1350 - Repair


Model: 93-69-1000

HAAS 20/15HP Vector Drive

$1700 - Exchange
$1350 - Repair


Model: 93-32-5558D

HAAS 40HP Vector Drive
$2150 - Exchange
$1650 - Repair


Model: 93-69-1010

HAAS 40/30 Vector Drive
$2150 - Exchange

$1650 - Repair

Model: 93-32-5560

HAAS 60HP Vector Drive
$3000 - Exchange
$2500 - Repair

Model: 93-69-1020

HAAS 60/50 Vector Drive
$2500 - Repair

CNC Service Company
2601 Cleveland Ave Suite C
Marinette, WI 54143
800-709-8369       715-330-4590

CNC Service Company is not affiliated with, nor is an authorized distributor or representative of any manufacturer, brand or product listed. Designated trademarks, brand names and brands, appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.

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